How You Can Help Prevent Wildfires
West Yorkshire Fire and Rescue service have created a campaign called 'Be Moor Aware', which aims to help protect the moors from fires to reduce the amount of large wildfires they face.
They are asking the public that use the moors for leisure to:
take all rubbish home
take glass bottles home, as they reflect the sun's rays and cause fires
not throw cigarette ends on the ground, making sure they are fully extinguished and disposed of
not to start a fire and only have BBQs in authorised areas
report any suspicious behaviour or dial 999 if you notice a fire
There are also other measures you can consider to help prevent wildfires:
don't try to extinguish an out of control fire yourself, call for help immediately and leave the area
landowners must create firewalls and remove loose grass to reduce the spread of their controlled fires
don't use petrol as a fuel, only use approved lighting fuel
never leave BBQs unattended
make sure BBQs and other fires are fully extinguished before leaving

Find out more information at:
Be Moor Aware https://www.westyorksfire.gov.uk/your-safety/community/fire-prevention/
Tameside Borough https://www.tameside.gov.uk/tamesidemoorlandfires
Cheshire Fire https://www.cheshirefire.gov.uk/news-events/latest-news/how-to-reduce-the-risk-of-wildfires